Tomorrow, my bill to end discrimination against pregnant women in the workplace, the
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, will go to the floor to be voted on by the whole House of Representatives.
It’s abysmal that in 2021, many pregnant workers continue to endure unreasonable and downright cruel working conditions — and for no reason other than the fact that they are carrying a child.
Pregnant women deserve respect, and my bill will make sure they are treated with dignity.
Add your name here to urge my GOP colleagues to get on board and support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act!
This is a common sense bill that provides reasonable accommodation to women in the workplace and it will make a tangible difference in the lives of so many women.
Even minor things like a longer break can be the difference between hanging on and having to leave a job. My bill will positively impact immigrant workers and women of color, who are often treated the worst while pregnant.
It’s time we finally come together and provide pregnant workers with the full protections they deserve. No mother-to-be should have to worry about keeping her job or her home again.
Sign here to demand that my colleagues support this critical bill.
Thanks for taking action,