Hi John,

The government is proposing a new law which they say will protect free speech on University campuses. But there's a problem. Last night, the Universities Minister confirmed that the law will protect Holocaust deniers. In effect, it will pressure Universities to provide platforms to people who lie about the Holocaust being a historical fact.

It's wrong and we can't allow this to go ahead. We've launched a petition to pressure the government. Can you add your name?

In her media interview, Universities Minister Michelle Donelan essentially argued we must "protect and promote" the free speech of Holocaust deniers. That shows up the fundamental issue with the Government's new so-called free-speech bill.

Pressuring universities to platform the views of Holocaust deniers would be completely unacceptable. The Holocaust is a historical fact. Those who deny that are seeking to spread hate.

The point of universities is to expand people's knowledge. That includes hearing opinions they disagree with. However, whether the Holocaust happened is not up for debate. It is a historical fact. Ensuring people who lie about the Holocaust are given a platform is wrong.

There will be people in Government who will be nervous about this. If we can make enough noise about it, we might be able to get them to backtrack. Add your name to our petition, then share it on social media.


--Liron, Nick, Roxy and the HOPE not hate campaigns team