DC Alert  

Bail-Ins To Replace Bail-Outs?
Will Banks survive the anticipated loan defaults on the horizon? Can Banks take your deposits without your permission to bail themselves out?  Details.

The American Debt Jubilee.
Americans could  bear the burden of the debt bubble and the next big political event. This new financial system could wipe-out  your wealth. Details.

The Upcoming Currency War  
Retirement accounts with fiat currency or paper assets, could be facing serious challenges. Will real physical assets prevail to be the knight in shining armor? Details

Dear Fellow Americans,

The mainstream media is finally talking about inflation. Could Biden's and Fed's policies of printing more and proposing to increase taxes make inflation even worse?

You may have noticed how the cost of everything is going up...

From lumber to gas to diapers and yes to food...

Could it be because almost 20% of all US dollars were created last year? Isn't that an early warning of inflation?

Inflation is the cruelest form of taxation...

Even Alan Greenspan, former Fed Chair, publically said: "Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth"  

Request Your FREE Reportand learn how to hedge against inflation.

Many billionaires and analysts have recently issued warnings about inflation and noted that a market correction is imminent.

In a recent article published in Bloomberg titled Bubble Warning Everywhere, the following was noted:

"With historic cross-asset valuations and elevated risk positioning, a market correction could be imminent."

Another disaster could be in the making. Therefore, your 401K/IRA requires your immediate attention!

If this isn't the time to protect yourself and your family, when will it be?

Request Your FREE Report and explore your options.

Could you really afford the new policies to ruin your wealth and future? If not, then there is a way that could protect what you really care for the most.

There is no obligation or commitment in Requesting Your FREE Report Now.


Allegiance Gold, LLC is not a broker-dealer and does not provide investment, tax, or legal advisory services. No statement in this communication should be construed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security, or as investment, tax, or legal advice. Precious metals, like all investments, carry risk, are not suitable for all investors, and past performance does not guarantee future results. We do not guarantee any investment performance. Please consult your own investment, tax, or legal advisor prior to making any investment decision. Third-party information quoted or presented by us in this communication represents only the opinions of the third party and we do not endorse any third-party source of information. We are not affiliated with the U.S. Mint or any government agency. ©Allegiance Gold, LLC 2021

DC Alert © 2021

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