Our app will keep you and your family safe.
Like you, we can’t wait for sunny days spent in and around water. With our new and improved Safer Seas & Rivers Service app you can:
Get real-time updates and alerts of sewage discharges and pollution warnings
Email your local MP and water company CEO demanding action
Report any illness from sea or river activity Our award winning app covers over 390 locations and this year we’ve added a number of rivers and streams where water testing data is available. We hope to add more soon.
Reason 1
Last year, we sent 2,941 alerts notifying app users of sewage overflows. That’s 2,941 times raw sewage was discharged into the environment that you might not been aware of.Reason 2
The app allows you to become a handset ocean activist. Using the prepopulated templates, you can easily add your voice to the growing discontent with how our rivers and the ocean is being treated by water companies and government allowing it to happen.Reason 3
Reporting any sickness you or your family suffer from time spent in water becomes evidence we can use to challenge government and water companies.