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Thursday, May 13th, 2021

The New ‘Respect-the-Science’ Regime

Thomas DiLorenzo

Good Riddance, Liz Cheney

David Stockman

Can Federal Judges Alter the Constitution?

Andrew P. Napolitano

Re: An American Classical Liberalism

Bill Sardi

America Makes Aircraft Carriers, China Makes Money

Fred Reed

Looks Like We Can’t Find Any Gazzuline

Eric Peters

Pandemic: Follow the Real Money, the Unthinkable Amount of Money

Jon Rappoport

Insider View: The Tragedy of the U.S. Deep State

Pepe Escobar

How the Left Plans To Put Boots on the Ground To Subdue the Middle America

Selwyn Duke

The American Multicultural State Is Collapsing

Paul Craig Roberts

Why Is the Government Hiding January 6 Video Footage?

Julie Kelly

How Covid Lockdowns Will Become Climate Lockdowns

Doug Casey

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