Hi there -- wanted to quickly update you on this:
Thanks to the support of grassroots donors like you, we recently launched the first Facebook ads of this campaign. Take a look for yourself at a couple of examples of what's live right now:
Ads like these grow our grassroots movement and engage new supporters to help ensure that we have the resources to fight back against Washington Republicans and far-right super PACs. They're already clogging up news feeds across our community with misinformation about my record of service because they know that the GOP's path to retaking the House starts in NJ-03.
That's why I was anxious to hear the initial results from our team, and it's looking pretty good so far! For every $100 we spend on these ads, they can be seen up to 1,000 times on Facebook. That's a great start -- and all thanks to your continued support.
But, here's the catch: My team also shared that most people need to see an ad 8-10 times before they'll remember our message, instead of the lies being spread by the GOP.
These ads are a key part of growing our grassroots movement, and we can't afford to get drowned out by these bigger spenders in the next few weeks.
Look, I don't have corporate super PACs on speed dial -- and our campaign certainly doesn't have a megacorporation-sized ads budget. But we do have you.
And, honestly, that's all our movement for civility and service has ever needed. It's not just the way it should be -- it's also what works. So thanks for giving whatever you can to help grow our movement, tell our story, and earn the support we need to win this race.
-- Andy