Why is the US abandoning our Kurdish allies?
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US Allies Face Slaughter by Turks After Trump Retreat
Why is the US abandoning our Kurdish allies?
Ilhan Omar Says Trump 'Terrified' of Her
She claims it's due to her 'intersectionality' credentials
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Rashida Tlaib Makes Racist Comments to Detroit Police Chief
Talk about racism. Here's a great display.
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Stripping Away Our Freedoms
Freedom of speech & the 'Islamophobia' industry
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Readers Write
Anti-Islamist Tarek Fatah Attacked by Pakistani Mob in NY
“ Hard to believe this is in the U.S. Makes me sad.”
- C.A.
Antifa Blocks, Berates Elderly Woman Using Walker
“This is just horrible. Too many people there allowing this to happen.”
- M.L.
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