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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 17 July


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Secularism in the media


More prescriptive guidance on LGBT inclusion wouldn’t have prevented protests, says minister

More prescriptive guidance forcing primary heads to teach about LGBT relationships would not have prevented protests outside schools in Birmingham, the schools minister has said. Nick Gibb was speaking as some MPs criticised the government's response to protests.

Schools Week


LGBT inclusion 'not the place' for school autonomy, say leaders of trust at centre of protests

Leaders of the multi-academy trust that runs a Birmingham primary school at the centre of the anti-LGBT backlash have hit out at the Department for Education over its lack of clarity on LGBT-inclusive teaching.



Call for council in Norfolk to scrap pre-meeting worship

A call has been made for Norfolk County Council to "turn the page" on beginning meetings with Christian prayer.

Eastern Daily Press


Religious order admits ‘framework’ allowed abuse of children in care

A religious order that ran a childcare home in Fife has admitted the institution had a "framework" which allowed abuse to take place.

Evening Express (Aberdeen)


Government proposals 'fall short' on helping home-schooled children

The government has been accused by councils of watering down plans to improve oversight of the growing number of school-aged children who are educated at home in England. Religion is often a significant reason behind parents' decision to home school their children.

The Guardian


‘The backlash against sex education in the UK will ultimately harm children’

Ritu Mahendru says sex education helps to protect girls, particularly from south Asian backgrounds, and their interests need to be considered.



Anti-abortion protesters contest ban at Court of Appeal

Anti-abortion campaigners have told judges a "buffer zone" outside a London clinic defies their right to protest.



Boxing ban for bearded fighters overturned to appease some Sikhs in Wales

A ruling that amateur fighters in Wales must be clean shaven will be overturned, Welsh Boxing has announced, amid claims that it discriminated against Sikhs.



In case you missed it: from the NSS


Why are we letting faith schools stigmatise same-sex relationships?

Ofsted penalises schools that refuse to teach about LGBT people, but seems to ignore other schools that teach same-sex relationships are morally wrong. Megan Manson says this double standard needs to end.


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