Mike Adams just posted his interview of me where we discuss how I got into the vaccine mandate fight, vaccination vs natural immunity, the COVID-19 vaccine, censorship, masks, public health, the illogical reasons used to force medical mandates onto the population and so, so much more.

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This all natural mineral is mined from the earth, cleaned, remineralized, nano-sized, and then suspended into water molecules using sonic technology so that it can travel everywhere throughout the body and exchange a mineral ion for a heavy metal ion, which is then "caged" and escorted out of the body in 4 to 6 hours. Hence, why many people notice such drastic improvements in a short amount of time!

Touchstone Essentials supports medical freedom and supports my work, and therefore you get $50 off your first purchase when you sign up for auto shipment (cancel any time), and they even include free shipping (US, UK, Canada, Australia, and NZ)! This zeolite detox really is worth trying! Children benefit too - especially vaccine injured ones. Click on over to learn more... 


~ Larry Cook





Know something’s up… it just doesn’t feel right?


You are not alone.

Your health, your money, your rights... It’s all at risk of crumbling.

  • Wall Street is riding the biggest bubble in history— and the dollar is devalued while record trillions are printed and added to our skyrocketing debt
  • The electrical grid is vulnerable
  • There's a covert war with China… and Russia
  • We face risk from the radical left, and risk from the radical right
  • Our online opinions and access to information is controlled by those with their own agenda
  • Public education is disintegrating
  • Civil liberties are disappearing and…
  • Constantly mutating viruses keep us locked down
  • Food sources are disappearing
  • Violence is out of control
  • Corruption is rampant
  • Natural disasters are becoming more extreme

There are answers out there, and we’re revealing them.

MAY 25th, it begins...

The blinders come off starting May 25th.



My Timely Interview With Health Ranger Mike Adams


Mike Adams just posted his interview of me where we discuss how I got into the vaccine mandate fight, vaccination vs natural immunity, the COVID-19 vaccine, censorship, masks, public health, the illogical reasons used to force medical mandates onto the population and so, so much more. If you want to learn more about me, what I stand for and why we ALL must stand up to medical tyranny, just…




VICE Publishes New Hit Piece On Health Freedom Activists


The author of this latest hit piece, Anna Merlin, was on a cruise as a reporter with myself and other health freedom activists about five years ago so we had some time to chat back then. She is pro-vaccine, pro-establishment, and wants to see all of humanity force vaccinated and locked down with every medical mandate the Deep State can dream up. In her latest hit piece she goes after quite a few well-known medical freedom activists - including myself - and essentially calls us all conspiracy theorists who must be silenced at all costs. It’s not an easy read for those who know the truth, but I share it here so you can see what we are constantly up against…




A Colossal Coverup of Countless COVID Vaccine “Coincidences”

By Ty Bollinger
May 12, 2021

Which then brings me to Ty Bollinger's article, which he just released TODAY.

Ty Bollinger is censored. Mike Adams is censored. I am censored. In fact, most of the health freedom activists are censored and attacked in fake news media while "reporters" get to say whatever they want about us and get to reach huge audiences with their diatribes.

I cannot stress enough how important it is that you share our stories - ANY STORIES - in your social media about these topics of health freedom. We can create the content, but it's up to you to get that content out there now! I'm banned on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Why? Here's a snippet from Ty's article...

"The CCDH has published multiple reports about the dangers of “anti-vaxxers” but it’s interesting that if you actually read the reports, you’ll be struck by the irony that none of the so-called “anti-vaxx arguments” are actually met by solid pro-vaccine counter arguments or data.

As a matter of fact, CCDH does not negate or even debate the accuracy of any of them. It just brushes them aside as “misinformation and lies” without providing any proof whatsoever, then goes on to slander and lie about the “anti-vaxxers” and call for all of us to be silenced."

>>> READ TY'S COVID VACCINE STORY (it's really good and worth sharing because he dives into the DEATH AND DESTRUCTION that the COVID vaccine is causing!).


Take my free 12-part course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass.

~ Larry Cook


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Stop Mandatory Vaccination
Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass



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