America's Oldest Young Republican Club

The 107th Annual Gala
Steve Bannon & Erik Prince

Join us for our 107th Annual Gala with Steve Bannon & Erik Prince.

Program includes an awards ceremony, a State of the Club address, full open bar, and a three-course meal.

Stephen K. Bannon was CEO of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. At the White House, he served as Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to the President. He is also a founder of Citizens of the American Republic. He is Chairman for the Rule of Law Society and Co-Founder of the Committee on the Present Danger: China. He also co-founded The Movement in Europe, South America, and Asia, which supports populist nationalist ideas and activism across the globe. He serves as Advisory Board Chairman for We Build the Wall. He is an award winning documentary filmmaker and the former Executive Chairman of Breitbart News. A Goldman Sachs M&A banker.. He was a Surface Warfare Officer serving aboard the USS Paul F. Foster (DD-964) in the western Pacific, Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf. He served at the Pentagon as a Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations.

Erik Prince is a businessman, former Navy SEAL and founder of Private Military Services company Blackwater. He is currently Managing Partner of Frontier Resource Group a natural resources investment fund. 

Date: Thursday November 7th

Doors Open: 6:45 PM

Reception Start: 7:00 PM

Program Start: 8:00 PM

Location: The Yale Club of New York City

(Grand Ballroom)

Price: (Early Bird Prices End October 21st)


(Early Bird, Enter your registered email address as the promotional code to unlock member tickets)

$185 (Regular)


$200 (Early Bird)

$225 (Regular)

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107th Annual Gala Flyers

(Free For Members!)

Join us for our October Halloween Party!

Date: Thursday October 17th
Doors Open: 6:45 PM
Event Start: 7:00 PM

Location: Women's National Republican Club 3 W 51st St
(3rd Floor Grand Salon)


Members: FREE
Non-members: $5 Pre-Purchase / $10 At Door

A cash bar will be available before and during the event.

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Events Around Town

"The 3rd Annual Conference on Jews and Conservatism is taking place on Sunday, November 10 at the Grand Hyatt in New York. We’ll hear from this year’s Herzl Prize Laureate, Norman Podhoretz; Henry Kissinger on the essence of leadership; Yoram Hazony on what the world can learn from Israeli conservatism; Ruth Wisse on the return of zombie socialism; Victor Davis Hanson on Israel’s geopolitics; Judge Neomi Rao on the threats to religious freedom, and much more. It will be a thrilling day, and we’re eager to have friends from The New York Young Republicans with us."
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