
I’m officially entering the race for Ohio’s battleground Senate seat. I’m about to ask you to split a donation between my campaign and Turnout Democrats, but first let’s talk about why I knew I had to run:

Everyday folks used to have a promise they could count on.

But after a decade of obstruction in the Senate, our country lost sight of how to make things work for everyone. We ended up with an economy and a political system that only works for the wealthy few -- while the working class folks who dug the deepest and sent our nation soaring were left behind.

We’re finally making progress -- but Republicans only need to gain one seat to regain the majority and get right back to obstruction. Ohio will be a battleground for control of the Senate in 2022, and Mitch McConnell and his special interest friends will spend millions to retake the majority.

We need your help to make sure that doesn’t happen -- if you’re with us, will you split a donation between my campaign for Senate and Turnout Democrats today?

Donate Now »

I was born and raised in a blue collar union family in Northeast Ohio. I’ve seen firsthand how our communities have been left behind as the American Dream gets further and further out of reach.

That’s why I’ve spent my career in Congress fighting to ensure that everyone can have a good-paying job, quality health care they can afford, and the security of knowing they can retire with dignity.

And that’s why it was so damn frustrating to watch Mitch McConnell block every bill our Democratic House sent him that could have helped working families.

We can’t let Mitch reclaim his power as Majority Leader. This is our chance to expand our Democratic majority in the Senate. This is our chance to make sure that workers and families get the fair shot they deserve.

I’m running to be Ohio’s next senator because I’ll fight like hell to cut workers in on the deal. But I can’t take on McConnell and his special interest fundraising machine alone. Chip in a split donation of $5, $10, $15, $25 -- whatever you can -- to defend and expand our Senate majority!

I'm in! »

I’m so grateful to have folks like you in my corner. Change is coming -- and we’re gonna do it together.

Let’s get to work,

Tim Ryan

Tim Ryan


Turnout Democrats is a project of Save Our Senate.

TOGETHER, we’ve secured a Democratic House and Senate -- but our fight is far from over! In 2022, we’ll be facing a map that’ll be an uphill battle for Democrats to HOLD and EXPAND our majorities.

Republicans are already breaking fundraising records relying on big money donors and special interests. But, we’re relying on you to fuel our efforts, so we can get a head start and come out on TOP.

Will you chip in a donation to support our efforts to elect Democrats up and down the ballot so we can support President Biden & Vice President Harris and get stuff done?

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