
Over the weekend I was touring Saskatchewan standing up for our rights and freedoms against the ongoing sanitary tyranny that we’ve been living under for more than a year.

I addressed crowds of patriotic Canadians with my friends Mark Friesen and Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson.

And how did the Saskatchewan Police respond? They issued us $2800 fines. In three different cities!

Politicians being fined for attending a political protest! In Canada!

This is not communist China! Canadians have the right to peaceful assembly and I will continue to stand up for that right.

I have now been issued four fines, one in Ontario and three more from my Saskatchewan trip.

John, I will not pay these unconstitutional fines. I will challenge them in court.

I will not be intimidated by these authoritarian thugs.

I will continue to promote the PPC’s message of freedom in opposition to this emerging police state.

I will be attending another protest in Toronto this weekend. I will not stop fighting.

John, please stand with me against this unconstitutional tyranny with a $2.80 donation today!


PS: I thank you if you recently donated. You can still help us by following the PPC on social media (see links below) and by sharing our content with your friends. Or by inviting them to subscribe to our free newsletter.


People's Party of Canada
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