![]() John,
This is HUGE news. That's right: A federal judge just rejected the NRA’s bankruptcy case, meaning their half-baked attempt to escape the New York Attorney General’s investigation into their malfeasance – and avoid any accountability – has failed.
The NRA is not above the law. Full stop.
For too long, they have cheated U.S. taxpayers in pursuit of an extremist agenda that has made our country less safe. Now, the NRA will finally have to face the consequences of their deadly actions, which could mean the dissolution of the NRA once and for all.
But, we know that Wayne LaPierre and the NRA aren’t going to give up easily and we need your help to make this year their last. Not only does Brady fully support the New York AG’s investigation, but we are fighting NRA-backed “guns everywhere” bills in states across the country and fighting to pass common-sense gun laws to save lives. With each victory, we get closer to a nation free from the NRA – and we need to accelerate our efforts now, John.
We can’t afford more NRA obstruction when background checks, closing deadly loopholes, and an assault weapons ban are all on the line. They will stop lifesaving gun safety bills from being passed and continue the plague of gun violence across our nation. To end the NRA once and for all, we need all gun violence prevention activists on our side: Will you help fund our fight? Any amount you give today could be the gift that helps deal the final blow to their evil empire. >> This historic victory brings us even closer to the end of the NRA, but it’s up to us to finish the fight. Thank you for standing with Brady and on the side of American lives. ![]() Thank you.
Kris Brown Brady President
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Thank you for supporting Brady and our work to prevent gun violence and save lives. We rely heavily on the generosity of activists like you to fund our work to create a safer America. If you're in this fight, join Brady today by making a gift. Thank you for supporting the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign is a 501c(4) and donations to the Brady Campaign are not eligible for a tax deduction.
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