John —
We’re opening our fabulous new campaign office this weekend, kicking off the home stretch of our people-powered campaign; and we need YOU there! Click here to RSVP.
At T-minus 6 weeks, the campaign’s momentum is palpable. From plans to build a city oriented around “people not cars,” to building an accessible New York, and laying out a lens that shows how to govern where every issue is Racial Justice issue, no one is releasing as many plans as Lindsey that put impacted communities first - and Manhattanites are responding!
Everything comes down to these last six weeks, which will be all about mobilization. If we have you there with us, we’re going to win.
Join us as Lindsey and the team talk about what it will take to win these last six weeks of the campaign!

Where: Team Lindsey HQ, 356 West 40th Street, New York, NY, 10018
When: Saturday, 5/15 at 11 AM
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!
Charlie Baker
Team Lindsey Field Organizer
PS: Can’t make our office opening? Join us at our Lower East Side canvass kickoff on Sunday!