Dear friend:

As Chairman of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee, I’ve asked a lot of you and all our Democratic supporters in the past few months. With so much on the line, I want you to know what we’re facing in the next few weeks.

Imagine going to a forum on public school education and having one of the candidates proclaim we don’t need more funding for kids with disabilities — their problem is that they just need to work harder. This happened last week.

Imagine that one of our Commonwealth Attorney candidates aggressively support the death penalty, cash bail requirements unfair to poor citizens, and will continue to prosecute for possession of marijuana. That candidate is now on our ballot.

Imagine one panicked Republican-backed candidate for our Board of Supervisors is worried that if we elect all Democrats, we might have the power to do something about gun violence! This candidate could be one of our next Supervisors.

We don’t need to imagine any of this because the same vitriol and hate that has poisoned Trump’s Washington has entered the politics of Fairfax County. We’ve witnessed it in this election season, just this week. And, as the Republicans become more desperate, the fear-mongering and scare tactics are growing. With your help, we intend to stop it before these candidates become our elected officials.

But we have a challenge. You see, for most of the candidates on the ballot, and unlike most other elections, the voter won’t find a (D) on the ballot next to anyone’s name. And for all the local races, the candidates can’t afford the kind of name recognition campaigns for a senator or congresswoman might have. So, along with campaign door-knocking, they rely on Fairfax Democrats and sample ballots to assist them in making informed choices.

We know, if a voter  goes into a voting booth without any information from a candidate or our sample ballot, they’ve got a 50/50 chance of selecting one of those candidates I wish I’d only imagined above. And we don’t like those odds.

Your Fairfax County Democratic Committee has an amazing program to reach absentee voters, young voters, even college students, we’re at every back-to school night at all 196 schools in Fairfax County, and of course, we’re at the polls on election day.

But all this takes money, and, with all our great candidates, our budget is stretched to a breaking point.  We have an extremely large number of  exceptional candidates running  for office. And we must support them all. Could you contribute $99, or $49 or  even $19?  Just $29 will help us print the materials we need to staff one precinct on election day.

Donate by clicking here.

Imagine November 6th, and a Fairfax County with a field of progressive, newly-elected officials ready to work with us for fair, equitable, prosperous, healthy communities -- and then please contribute whatever you can.

Dan Lagana

Chair, Fairfax County Democratic Committee



Paid for by the Fairfax County Democratic Committee,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

Fairfax County Democratic Committee
8500 Executive Park Ave.
Suite 402
Fairfax VA 22031 United States