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Last week, in a major victory for essential workers, the New York legislature passed the NY Hero Act. For months, we fought alongside labor organizers and frontline workers to secure workplace protections against COVID-19—now, workers across the state will be guaranteed protections, both from the virus and from retaliation for reporting noncompliance with safety standards. 

We can’t underestimate the importance of this legislation to ensure the health and safety of all New York's workers—and we also can’t lose sight of the larger goal: fighting for permanent protections for immigrant essential workers.

Throughout the pandemic, immigrant mothers played critical roles as essential workers. They worked both in their homes and in their communities, helping children navigate virtual school at home while also working as nurses, child care providers, and grocery store workers in their communities. Following Mother’s Day, we’re honoring their contributions and fighting for their inclusion in a pathway to citizenship!

Tell Congress: Pass Citizenship for Immigrant Mothers!

Today, hundreds of immigrant mothers, families, activists and allies are marching from the Republican National Committee to the Senate to demand that Congress include a pathway to citizenship for immigrant essential workers in the American Families Plan. 

Immigrant mothers and families did so much to help the country through this pandemic. They are essential, and they deserve a pathway to citizenship. Help us make sure immigrant mothers and all essential workers are protected beyond the pandemic! 


Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director

Take Action: Message Sen. Schumer!
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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA