Friends — when unions are strong, workers are strong. And when workers are strong, our economy and our country are strong.

For too long, too many big corporations have refused to give their workers the salaries, benefits, and collective bargaining power they deserve. Throughout the pandemic, 45 of the 50 biggest companies in America have continued to turn profits and pay their shareholders while laying off tens of thousands of employees.

I’m proud to sponsor the PRO Act, which will expand the rights of workers to organize and impose penalties on employers who threaten their workers for doing so. Will you sign your name as a citizen co-sponsor of this important workers’ rights legislation?


My father was a lineman and a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Thanks to the power of collective bargaining, he was able to receive an adequate salary and benefits to sustain our family.

But that’s not as often the case any more. Too many Americans are working two or three jobs to make ends meet, and too often they are underpaid, overworked, or even laid off with little to no notice. And in states across the country, right-to-work laws are continuing to embolden big corporations and chip away at workers’ rights.

The PRO Act could change all that. But we need to keep the pressure on to get this critical expansion of workers’ rights through the Senate and signed into law. Will you add your name to our petition in support of the PRO Act?


We are strongest when we speak together. Thanks for raising your voice.

— Martin



Paid for by Martin Heinrich for Senate

Senator Martin Heinrich is committed to helping New Mexico become a leader in defense, tech, and energy with opportunities in every corner. If you would like to stay in touch but receive fewer emails from us, click here. If you would like to unsubscribe from emails altogether, click here.

Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States