Vulture Conservation Foundation news bulletin
April 2021

Website launch of the
BalkanDetox LIFE project

We are thrilled to announce the website launch of BalkanDetox LIFE, our new LIFE-funded project led by us at the VCF. The project aims to raise awareness and strengthen national capacities to fight the problem of wildlife poisoning in the Balkans, which is one of the most important causes of mortality and population decline for numerous threatened and endangered species.

The website details everything you need to know about the problem of illegal wildlife poisoning in the Balkans and outlines the anti-poisoning actions our dedicated project team will implement to address this pressing conservation issue.

Explore the website

Save the date: GypConnect Seminar and Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2021

The pandemic has been challenging for us all on so many levels, but there is hope. It seems that we might return to some normalcy in the coming months, and we might be able to meet again in person. So, we started to plan the eagerly awaited 2021 Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting in earnest, which we had to cancel last year due to the restrictions in different European countries. This time, we will celebrate the species alongside the final conference of the LIFE GypConnect project. Please book these dates firmly in your calendar — 25-28 November 2021. If things go well, we hope to see you in Die, Drome, France in a few months!

Learn more

Latest news about Europe's
vulture species

Bearded Vulture

Alpine Bearded Vultures pairs have already produced several chicks during this breeding season

Most recent GPS movements of 58 Bearded Vultures across seven important European regions (March 2021)

Bearded Vulture chick hatches and doing well after three facilities work together to secure the future of the egg produced

Egyptian Vulture

Discovery of the oldest wild Egyptian Vulture

Egyptian Vulture Sara carries out incredible migration journey from Niger to Italy

Discovery of a rare Egyptian Vulture nest in Cape Verde

Egyptian Vulture Alvor successfully released in Tejo Internacional (Portugal)

Griffon Vulture

Award-winning author released her new children's adventure book with a vulture conservation theme

Latest news from our
vulture conservation projects

The BalkanDetox LIFE project, led by us at the Vulture Conservation Foundation, aims to strengthen national capacities to fight wildlife poisoning and raise awareness about the problem across seven Balkan countries.

Latest news

Three more Griffon Vultures tagged and released in Messolonghi will help combat illegal wildlife poisoning in the Balkans
Vultures Back to LIFE, led by Green Balkans and the Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna, aims to reintroduce the Cinereous Vulture back to Bulgaria since it was declared extinct in the 1980s. 

Latest news
The reintroduced Cinereous Vulture Riga finally returns to Bulgaria after a long absence

A Cinereous Vulture "love triangle" in Bulgaria: Who will Montana choose?

More Cinereous Vultures enter acclimatisation aviary to get ready for eventual release in the Bulgarian wild

A Spanish Cinereous Vulture, GPS-tagged and reintroduced in Bulgaria, was probably shot in Hungary

LIFE GypConnect led by LPO and co-funded by the MAVA Foundation aims to create a breeding population in France's Massif Central and Department of the Drôme to connect the Alpine and Pyrenean populations of Bearded Vultures. 

Latest news
The ninth edition of La Plume du Life, the LIFE GYPCONNECT's newsletter, released

Launch of new Bearded Vulture release season: Two young and captive-bred brothers reintroduced in the Grands Causses, France

The LIFE with Vultures project, led by BirdLife Cyprus, aims to save the threatened Griffon Vulture population in Cyprus by tackling key threats and restocking their population. 

Latest news
A GPS-tagged Griffon Vulture originating from Crete wanders alongside the Cypriot coastline

The LIFE RE-Vultures project, led by Rewilding Europe, aims to support the recovery of Cinereous and GriffonVulture populations in the cross border Rhodope Mountain region.

Latest news
Nature heroes: Dog and human team up to search and remove poison from Bulgaria's countryside

A reintroduced Cinereous Vulture in Bulgaria was probably shot in Hungary

The Cinereous Vulture "Ichera" originating from Spain and reintroduced to Bulgaria, went missing in Hungary. After many efforts invested by both local and international stakeholders, the Vultures Back to LIFE project team managed to release "Ichera" into the Bulgarian wild and follow the movements of the vulture through the GPS tag fitted on its back. "Ichera" roamed extensively after the release, but its trace disappeared when it reached a northeastern part of Hungary. Local colleagues carried out a thorough field investigation shortly after to determine what happened. Based on the crucial evidence collected, experts suspect that the poor bird was illegally shot. We hope the offender will be brought to justice for the serious wildlife crime committed!

Read the whole story
Egyptian Vulture Diego makes a
surprising excursion

After the captive-bred Egyptian Vulture Diego was released in Murgia, Italy, he chose southwestern Sicily as his wintering grounds instead of carrying out the long migration to sub-Saharan Africa. Ever since, the vulture has been returning to his release site in spring. This time around, Diego has once again returned to his spring-summer residence at the Murge area, but then took us by surprise when he crossed the sea over to the Balkans, reaching Bosnia and Herzegovina! We can keep a close eye on Diego's movements and behaviour thanks to the GPS tag placed on his back, which provides valuable data, helping inform more accurate conservation actions.

See Diego's travels
We here at the VCF follow the movements of several vultures as part of different projects. You can track the movements of all the European vulture species we tagged within our different projects and regions by visiting our online public maps

Bearded Vulture online maps
Cinereous Vulture online maps
Egyptian Vulture online maps
Griffon Vulture online maps
Watch our latest videos
Photo credits: Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF), Hansruedi Weyrich, Bruno Berthemy, Green Balkans, Gábor Deák, MME/BirdLife Hungary and Carlo Fracasso.
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If you have any news you would like to share, please contact Eleni Karatzia, Events, Outreach and Communications Officer.  
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