Does the name Louis DeJoy ring a bell? He’s the right-wing megadonor Donald Trump appointed as the United States Postal Service Postmaster General and he’s been wreaking havoc ever since.

Yeah, that guy. The one who canceled overtime for USPS employees, decommissioned mail-sorting machines, slowed delivery times, and removed mail drop boxes from communities across the country right before a major election, in the middle of a public health crisis.

Trump may no longer have a job, but DeJoy still does. That’s because President Biden can’t directly remove him from the USPS. Either DeJoy needs to resign or the Board of Governors must remove him.

DeJoy has made it crystal clear that he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. So, we have to apply public pressure to make sure he leaves before causing any more damage to the USPS.

If you agree, add your name to Tammy’s petition demanding Postmaster General Louis DeJoy be removed immediately. The integrity of the USPS is too important to sit this fight out.

Add your name

Thanks for your support on this.

— Team Baldwin