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Nancy Pelosi’s “leadership” is the exact opposite of what America needs.
Her priorities are her own power and personal agenda instead of the needs of everyday citizens like you!
We see this in her pursuit of a federal takeover of elections that would nullify voter ID laws - what I call the “For the Politicians” Act.
We see her inept leadership on full display with her failure to seriously address border security.
And we see it in her attempts to turn every piece of legislation - including “infrastructure” bills - into a far-left, socialist wishlist. Pelosi’s time as Speaker of the House must be brought to a swift end!
If you agree that Nancy Pelosi’s time is up, then the mission for us is clear:
We need to do everything we can to take BACK the House in 2022 and FIRE Pelosi!
Republicans made huge strides last cycle, and now flipping just 5 seats will allow us to take back the gavel from this California Democrat.
I’d be grateful if you pitched in to this effort to restore common sense Republican leadership to the House of Representatives. Please consider supporting me and other conservative fighters using the button below!
Thank you for joining me,

Congressman Jim Hagedorn

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