During President Biden's Address to Congress he set a deadline for passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act:
"... get it done next month by the first anniversary of George Floyd’s death."
That deadline is exactly two weeks away on May 25th. The problem is momentum is slowing down. And over the weekend, House Majority Whip James Clyburn said he is willing to drop ending qualified immunity from the bill to get bipartisan support.
This is not the time to sit on our hands and hope for Congress to act. It's up to us to amp up the pressure and demand action by the deadline.
It's up to us to show the Senate that Americans from Red States like Montana, Kentucky, and Arkansas to Blue State like Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania stand united in support of passing this critically important comprehensive police reform. Build the pressure by signing the petition right now!
Unlike with most of Biden's agenda, bipartisan support for the bill is not a pipe dream.
Republican Sen. Tim Scott has introduced a similar proposal in the Senate which covers many of the same reforms passed in the House bill.
Senator Scott insists, and so do several top Democrats including Senator Cory Booker, that there are enough Republican votes to pass the Senate despite the 60 vote requirement needed to break a filibuster.
They may be right. Polling from Data for Progress shows that 74% of all voters support passing the Justice in Policing Act. Even better, 55% of Republicans support it too.
Now is the time to act. Support can fade. The further we get from the tragedy the less urgency there is. That's why President Biden's May 25th deadline is so important. Let's show every Senator - Republican and Democrat -- that America is demanding action.
Add your name calling on Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021 immediately
When we work together, we win.
Thank you for taking action today.
— Tre
Tre Graves
Campaign Organizer
Democracy for America