
As we near the end of the Texas Legislative Session, I have an urgent update to share with you.

Despite the state of our country, we’re actually winning on key values fronts! You need to know this, because today’s mainstream media won’t tell you a word about them.

You also need to know just how much your support is making an impact––and just how urgently I hope you’ll give again.

For starters, the pro-life Texas Heartbeat Bill (SB 8) we championed is nearing the finish line. Once it’s passed, Governor Greg Abbott has already signaled his eagerness to sign it.

Imagine: An end to the genocide of innocent and helpless unborn babies.

However, that’s not all. The Freedom to Worship Act (HB 1239) that ensures churches are essential is also nearing the finish line––one step away from ensuring that no body of believers is ever pushed around by government and shut down or threatened again.

We’re also pressing on a bill to Ban Gender Modification of children (HB 1399) that will keep doctors from butchering young people’s bodies––destroying their reproductive future in the name of transgender ideology.

Another way we’re fighting for our kids is through the Save Women’s Sports legislation that will protect the right of Texas girls and women to compete fairly against fellow biological females––instead of boys and men.

As I trust you can tell, Texas Values Action is fighting hard, on many fronts––and finishing strong.

However, Texas Values Action isn’t funded by Big Tech on either coast. Nor do we have the Corporate Left––huge companies now openly and massively funding radical left-wing groups––pouring tens of millions into our coffers.

We depend on citizens like you. Texans who make up for not being able to physically walk the Texas Capitol halls, personally lobby their representatives on behalf of their cherished values and freedoms, by enabling other like-minded Texans to carry out this vital role.

Those efforts, as I just shared, are bearing enormous fruit, victory and success––but we must have continued and consistent funding to keep up the fight.

The Texas Legislative Session ends on May 31. We’re so close to the finish line - will you help us cross it?

I hope your gift matches the size of your love for freedom and values in Texas, and your passion to defend them. That gift, as you can see, will have a Texas-sized impact.

God Bless Texas, 

Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values Action

P.S. Texas is clearly not lost––even if the Left has relentlessly targeted us. Our people want to restore sanity more than ever before. And your support––your generous gift today, is enabling us to do that. Will you give as much as you can, today?

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. All donations to Texas Values Action are not tax-deductible and will be used at the sole discretion of Texas Values Action. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.

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