Introducing our 2020 Political Tech Landscape Report
Higher Ground Labs is excited to unveil our Annual Political Tech Landscape Report, a comprehensive account of the most significant political tech trends, opportunities, and learnings coming out of the 2020 cycle.
Download our 2020 Landscape Report
The HGL team has spent the past several months interviewing 50+ experts, analyzing political spending data, and reading the newest literature. This year’s report is the first iteration coming out of a presidential cycle — and a pandemic that turned our world upside down.

When we started our annual landscape reports three years ago, our goal was to facilitate ongoing, industry-wide documentation. That goal feels more important than ever, after an election cycle where practitioners and founders had to innovate using tech like never before.

We hope this report will serve as critical institutional knowledge for our space, while celebrating the brilliance of political tech operatives during this unprecedented cycle. We hope it will be a resource for you in your work. Please read it, share it, and send any feedback you have our way. 

Team HGL
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