From Congressman Paul Gosar <[email protected]>
Subject 47 Days Later
Date May 11, 2021 8:09 PM
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Fellow Patriot

It’s been 47 days since Kamala Harris was given the title “border czar,” and tasked with fixing the Biden Border Crisis.

In those 47 days, she has taken a grand total of ZERO actions.

Meanwhile, illegal aliens continue to flood into our country in record numbers -- numbers that can only rightly be described as an invasion.

They are crossing together in groups of 50 or more:

We cannot let another 47 days go by without concrete action to stop this invasion, which is why I’m asking you to contribute to my reelection campaign today ([link removed]) .

I am one of the strongest proponents of border security in all of Congress, and even though we are in the minority, a generous contribution to my campaign today will help continue to do my Constitutional duty of keeping the Executive Branch in check ([link removed]) .

If we don’t speak out now, fellow patriot, this invasion at our border will only worsen.

Our so-called “leaders” are abdicating their responsibility to protect America’s sovereignty.

It does not get any more grave than that -- and a country without borders is no country at all…

…so contribute to my reelection campaign right away and help me stay in the fight for closed borders ([link removed]) .

Kamala Harris doesn’t have to worry about the illegal alien invasion.

It will never affect her or the Washington D.C. elites.

But it’s a real problem here in Arizona, and across the country where illegal aliens take American jobs and use taxpayer-funded welfare services.

No administration should even a single day allowing foreigners to break our laws.

This administration will ignore the problem forever if we don’t hold them accountable now.

I am here to be the voice of the common man as this battle for our very nation rages on, and I need you to show me that you have my back with a generous contribution today ([link removed]) .

President Trump called me a “warrior” when he endorsed my reelection campaign last year.

Now, in the face of these evil Democrats who are letting America be overrun with foreigners, I need you to show me you’re a warrior too.

Even now, when things look bleak, we cannot give up, because America and its culture are worth fighting for.

So choose a contribution ([link removed]) amount, and show me and the Biden administration that you will not sit idly by while our nation is invaded.

For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District


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