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Efforts to combat extremism are failing because the government's definition of it is so broad that it is hampering free speech, the counter-extremism
commissioner has said.
The number of schools asking to opt out of legal requirements to provide a daily act of Christian worship appears to be slowing, but more are choosing to run
"multi-faith" alternatives instead.
Anna Tims says homeowners unaware of restrictive covenants can become liable for life-changing sums out of the blue, as a result of the law on chancel repair
The Charity Commission should consider whether it needs more powers to allow it to refuse to register organisations which cover areas including religion as
charities, its chief executive has suggested.
The perpetrator of a knife attack that left four people dead at a Paris police headquarters had recently adhered to a "radical vision of Islam," according to
The bishop of London has lamented the state of British democracy while delivering a sermon at the annual judges' service. Perhaps someone should point out
the undemocratic nature of her own position, says Chris Sloggett.
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