Latinx communities across the U.S. continue to be underrepresented among those vaccinated for COVID-19. As of May 3, 2021, the CDC reported that while race/ethnicity was known for just over half (55%) of people who had received at least one dose of the vaccine. Among this group, nearly two thirds were White (63%), while 13% were Latinx/Hispanic.
In addition to the systemic and structural barriers generally faced by communities of color, vaccine access and readiness continues to be a challenge in many Latinx communities, even as the vaccine becomes more widely available. This webinar will present:
The latest Kaiser Family Foundation COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor data, with a focus on vaccination rates and barriers among Latinx communities against national trends;
Common COVID-19 vaccination concerns and access challenges among Latinx populations;
Successful approaches to increasing vaccine access and readiness in Latinx communities by enabling and supporting local promotoras.
- Liz Hamel, Vice President and Director, Public Opinion and Survey Research, Kaiser Family Foundation
- Maria Lemus, Executive Director, Vision y Compromiso
- Jacquelyn S. Dalton, Director of Community Engagement, Health Leads