anti-state • anti-war • pro-market
Monday, October 7th, 2019

In An Era of Mandated Vaccination, Pediatricians Don’t Always Vaccinate Their Own Children

According to CDC Guidelines. Article by Bill Sardi.

The Deep State Goes Shallow: A Reality-TV Coup d’état in Prime Time

Article by Edward Curtin.

The Implosion of Building 7 Remains the Irrefutable ‘Smoking Gun‘ of a 9/11 Inside Job

Article by Richard Enos.

Attack of the Elites

Article by Taki.

No Cheers for Democracy

Article by Jayant Bhandari.

What Bernie Sanders Won’t Tell You About Social Democracy

Article by L.K. Samuels.

The Biggest Change in Human History

Article by Doug Casey.

How the Neocons Are Helping Destroy Western Civilization

Article by Boyd D. Cathey.

An Inflationary Depression

Article by Alasdair Macleod.

A Witness to the Collapse

Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

Forget Facial Recognition: DHS’s New Database, HART, Also Uses Scars, Tattoos

And Your Voice to ID You. And Amazon Is Storing All the Data. Article by Daisy Luther.

Suicide and Murder

Dr. Joseph Mercola on Side Effects of Medication.

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