Friends -
All across this country today, there are so many people wondering how they are going to get by.
How will I afford health care if I get sick, or a loved one gets sick? How will I put food on the table and pay my bills? How will my kids get a quality education without taking on obscene levels of student debt?
That is the struggle that so many across the country are facing right now.
During this unprecedented moment in American history, we must make it clear that we will not return to the same old establishment politics. We cannot accept government policy which enables the very rich to get much richer while a majority of Americans live in economic desperation.
Bernie is working hard in the Senate as Chair of the Budget Committee to move the Democratic Party in a more progressive direction. In order to create legislation that effectively addresses the needs of the American people, Bernie would like to hear from you about what issues are most important to you right now.
Can you take Bernie's quick survey?
We must join every other major country on earth and grant health care to all of our people as a basic human right.
We must take on the incredible greed of the pharmaceutical industry and not force the American people to pay higher prescription drugs than everyone else.
We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour and guarantee equal pay for equal work.
We must combat systemic racism and pass comprehensive immigration reform.
We must make public colleges and universities tuition-free and forgive student debt.
We must create millions of jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and confronting the climate crisis.
We must make the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes and address the absurd levels of wealth and income inequality in this country.
These are not radical ideas. It's what the American people want, and it's what Congress must do. But there is an incredible amount of work ahead of us, and the path forward will not be easy.
By taking our survey today, you'll help Bernie understand what issues are most important to our movement right now as he fights for our progressive agenda in the Senate.
Take two minutes to complete Bernie's brief survey to tell him which issues you care about most.
Now is not the time for business as usual. We need a grassroots movement that puts forth a new vision for America and creates a government based on the principles of justice, not greed.
Thank you for taking the time to share your input today. It is important to Bernie and to all of us.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie