We've had a late change to tonight's planned agenda.  Congresswoman Moore is unable to join us tonight - but, she's asked to be moved to our July meeting.

For tonight we've arranged to screen the educational version of Kiss the Ground - 45 min.  After the film we'll open the discussion to the solutions discussed in the film and the impact of the Biden administration's first 100 days.


  1. TONIGHT - 350 Milwaukee's May Meeting
  2. Join us on Friday, 12-1pm: 350MKE Fridays for Future
  3. Fire Drill Fridays - Friday with Jane Fonda - Surprise
  4. Monday May 17, Fair Maps Rally at Wisconsin Capital
  5. Oxford Climate Scientist - Climate Scientist answers Strangers ?s
  6. Action Links:
    1. Fair Maps - 1 click email, be a change agent
    2. Keep It in the Ground Act of 2021, 1 click, that's all!
    3. Can you afford to pay it forward?
    4. March Meeting Follow-up - Eating More Sustainably
    5. Stop Enbridge Line 3
350 Milwaukee

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tonight, May 11, 7 - 8:30pm
Zoom Meeting

'Kiss the Ground' Screening

"KISS THE GROUND: FOR SCHOOLS has new scenes not in the feature film including a series of person-on-street interviews with Rosario Dawson and a scene in which Tony Tenfingers, a Lakota Elder, describes the importance of the once-prevalent buffalo for Native American peoples." - Business Wire

“This is the first time that climate change reversal through regeneration and drawdown will be taught in classrooms – both online and in person. The new version of the film for schools and the forthcoming curricula will provide powerful new tools to students everywhere.” - Rebecca Tickell, Director

Followed by discussion.

Time: Tuesday, May 11, 7 - 8:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88669721077

Meeting ID: 886 6972 1077
Dial by your location
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keCBgiw54A

350MKE Fridays for Future
Friday, May 14, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Chase and Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave & Water St
We've got the signs, just show up!

The world’s biggest 60 banks have provided $3.8 trillion of financing for fossil fuel companies since the Paris climate deal in 2015, according to a report by a coalition of NGOs.

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic cutting energy use, overall funding remains on an upward trend and the finance provided in 2020 was higher than in 2016 or 2017, a fact the report’s authors and others described as “shocking”. The Guardian, March 24, 2021

Fire Drill Fridays

Friday, May 14, 1:00 PM CDT / 11:00 AM PST


After months of work, Wisconsin state legislators are rolling out a bill to create an open, honest, fair, and transparent redistricting process. We want to celebrate and demonstrate the public support for fair maps, and we invite you to safely join us on Monday, May 17th at Capitol Lawn in Madison at noon

RSVP here!

This event will feature speakers from across the state which reflect our broad coalition. Join us to demand fair maps and have your voice heard!

Oxford Climate Scientist answers questions from strangers

Visit us at:
350 Milwaukee Web
350 Milwaukee FaceBook
350 Milwaukee Twitter
350 Milwaukee YouTube

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Shorewood, WI 53211

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