a production by Chris Flannery of the Claremont Institute EPISODE 96 - MAY 11, 2021 A ROSE ON LINCOLN'S GRAVE Sports fairly practiced—especially individual sports—are a great meritocracy revealing, for all the world to see, the beauty of excellence. In American history, sports have also been an arena for the working out of the great American principle of “liberty to all.” Only by living up to this principle, which is the measure of America, is it possible for sports or any other pursuit to take a just measure of human greatness. Enter boxing great Joe Louis. This episode is in memory of Patrick J. Garrity. LISTEN NOW PREVIOUS EPISODES I KISS THE GROUND “But for America, just for living here, I kiss the ground.” LISTEN NOW MIRACLE ON ICE “Suddenly we all felt like we could come from behind, even against the most powerful forces in the world. We could do the impossible; we could believe in miracles, in our future, and most importantly in ourselves.” LISTEN NOW VIEW ALL WHAT IS THE AMERICAN STORY? The American Story is a production by Chris Flannery of the Claremont Institute.
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