
You have likely received numerous emails from me and my team this year asking for your early investment in my race in 2022. I wanted to take a moment to explain why we are asking for your early investment and how it will help tenfold in the long run.

I represent one of the most difficult districts in our country for a Republican to win. We are truly a forward operating base for conservatives. Nancy Pelosi and her Socialist Allies are not going to back down from their attacks on me for these simple reasons:

  • My election in 2020 was one of the closest in the country and I am the ONLY Republican in Texas to win a Congressional district that Biden also won.

  • My election was described by Fox News as Nancy Pelosi's "Most Bitter Loss" - she desperately wants revenge in 2022 after spending over $15 million in their losing efforts from 2020.

  • Pelosi and her Socialist Allies are already attacking me on TV with hundreds of thousands of dollars in ads which started just days after I was sworn in.

This next election we are on the cusp of FLIPPING THE HOUSE and FIRING NANCY PELOSI, but that will not be possible if Pelosi is able to capture our district!

Your early investment in my campaign is vital for our long-term success. By being an early investor, we will be able to show Nancy Pelosi that she cannot flip our district because the grassroots is behind me!

That is why it is critical to gain momentum TODAY!

Beth Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress