The Republican audit of 2020 election ballots in Arizona has been bizarre from the start. Ballots were handed off to a private company with NO prior election experience (something the Justice Department has indicated might violate federal law) and handled in ways that raised serious concerns about potential tampering.

That’s not all. Two weeks into this audit, organizers announced they were scanning ballots for traces of ‘BAMBOO’ — based on a bizarre conspiracy that false ballots were imported from Asia in order to swing the presidential election to Joe Biden.

But this audit isn’t just the product of wacky conspiracy theories. It’s part of a serious and aggressive Republican effort to pass new voter suppression measures in Arizona.

So serious that Arizona’s Secretary of State has received death threats for voicing opposition to the GOP recount.

This is what we are up against — and it will likely get uglier. Can you chip in whatever you can to help make sure we’re prepared to fight back and win in 2022?

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These conspiracy theories are a product of the same “Big Lie” that inspired the January 6th U.S. Capitol insurrection.

Trump has not slithered away after that attack on our democracy. Instead he has solidified his control over the Republican Party and polling shows that 70 percent of Republicans believe the false allegation that Joe Biden did not legitimately defeat Donald Trump.

We need to remain vigilant and continue doing everything in our power to protect our democracy.

Thank you,
