Our Collective Impact

Last week we shared the different ways that we as consumers can support responsible, sustainable, & traceable seafood supply chains that ensure access and abundance for generations to come.

We're following that up with our 2020 Collective Impact Report to show the difference our community of fishermen and consumers is making together towards lasting change. Our mission is to ensure vitality in our oceans, working waterfronts, and homes through healthy, traceable, sustainable seafood.

We'd love to have you join us and grow these impacts together in the years to come. 
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Click on the image below to enlarge the report. 

A Few Highlights

The U.S. imports between 60-90% of it's seafood in a long, complicated supply chain. This number includes seafood that may be caught domestically, but is shipped oversees (most often to China) for processing, then shipped back for us to consume. Seafood is the most highly traded food commodity in the world, tacking on some serious miles through its journey. At Real Good Fish we are the supply chain, meaning you get crazy fresh, quality seafood and a direct connection to the source. We think that is truly remarkable and makes for a completely different seafood experience. 
Diversity is a key pillar of sustainability in the natural world. Did you know that most Americans consume only five types of seafood? Five! It's a tricky cycle of consumer demand and consumption driving market forces which in turn limits the species that consumers are exposed to. All of that narrow and intense demand on just a few species places tremendous pressure on those fish stocks and also results in habitat degradation and concerns over human rights and exploitation. On the other hand, our oceans support a brilliant diversity of fish species and by enjoying a wider range of seafood species, we spread our impacts around and get to enjoy seafood we might not yet know is our new favorite! Underutilized is a term often used for these species. We prefer "underloved." 
But how can you know if the seafood you're eating is sustainable? Here are two of the best guiding principles. 1) eat American seafood. Our fisheries are among the best managed in the world. There is incredible oversight by well-intentioned scientists and policy makers, coupled with small scale fishermen working collaboratively and proactively to ensure their livelihoods will be viable for years to come. 2) Know where your fish comes from. At Real Good Fish, we ensure our seafood is fully traceable and love making that connection and creating that trust for you by including full catch details on the fish you enjoy. 

We Love our Community.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. As a team made up of marine scientists, dietitians, fisheries and sustainability specialists, commercial fishermen, and chefs, we love all kinds. 
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