Bill Posey - Victory Team


It is no secret that we’re up against nearly unprecedented odds to get our message out.

Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Schumer, the mainstream media and Big Tech are not only committed to defeating those of us who hold conservative values, but they are undermining the very principles of liberty, election integrity and the basic rights enshrined in our Constitution – including that of free speech.

Just look at the Swamp’s double standard!

When they don’t like what a conservative says they contrive reasons to ban, cancel or silence the speech of those of conservatives.

Yet when President Biden made 100% false allegations about Georgia’s election integrity laws, the mainstream media gave him topline coverage, despite the fact that in a moment of integrity the Washington Post gave Biden a rating of Four Pinocchios for outright lying.

YouTube has not banned Biden, taken down or blocked his blatantly false statements about Georgia’s election integrity law.

CNN, MSNBC and other major media outlets continue to broadcast Biden’s false statements about Georgia’s election law. Even Georgia’s Senator, Reverend Warnock, was forced to admit that an email he sent out attacking Georgia’s election reforms made false claims.

They want to make their control permanent, and the Washington Swamp is hoping to do that by passing their election reform law - H.R. 1.

Pelosi used her slim majority to push H.R. 1 through the House and it is now before the U.S. Senate. H.R. 1 bans states from requiring that voters show an ID to vote, prevents states from cleaning up voter rolls, mandates that states send ballots to every person on the voter rolls, and requires states to allow party operatives to go door-to-door “collecting” ballots.

H.R. 1 must be defeated because it is a recipe for fraud – 51% of Americans already believe fraud played a role in the 2020 Presidential election.

I need your help as I fight to STOP H.R. 1 and to help win just 4 Congressional seats to take back the majority from Speaker Pelosi.

Click here to get involved and join our team as we push back against the Majority and get our message out.


Bill Posey