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Monday, May 10th, 2021

The Next Pandemic: Chikungunya Virus

Bill Sardi

Indication Ivermectin Drastically Reduces Deaths Keeps Trickling in From the Third World. Too Bad It’s a Cheap Generic

Would rain on the virus cult parade. Dr. Sebastian Rushworth

The Covid Vaccine Is a Product of Systemic Racism

Walter E. Block

Culture, Self, and Law

Darren Allen

Fantastic Finding: German Study Shows Added CO2 Has Led to 14% More Vegetation Over Past 100 Years!

P. Gosselin

‘Aggressive Abroad and Despotic at Home’: VE Day and the End of the American Century

Boyd D. Cathey

The Coming IRS Reign of Terror

James Bovard

Boosting Your Mood and Improving Your Health With Vitamin D

Jennifer Giustra-Kozek, LPC, NBCC

I’m One of Millions Who Have Chosen Not To Receive a Covid Shot

Does that mean I’m to be banned from planes, buildings, & shops? Jani Allan

The Disney Corp. Has Taken a Deep Dive Into Race Hatred

Andrea Widburg

Reported Vaccine Injuries Continue To Climb. Pfizer Seeks Full Approval for Covid Vaccine

Megan Redshaw

The ‘Fascist Left’: Myth or Reality?

L.K. Samuels

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