Yang Gang --
If you follow American politics, you know that in almost every election cycle, a candidate comes along promising to end corruption by fixing how we finance our elections.
The message of campaign finance reform resonates because in our hearts we know the system is rigged. Citizens United opened up the floodgates to mega-donors and corporations funding House & Senate candidates that grassroots donors could never compete with.
For these reasons, I’ve proposed a Democracy Dollars initiative. The citizens of this country need to become our most powerful lobbyists. The voice of the people is now drowned out by corporate money and special interests. That is what we must reverse.
A Democracy Dollars proposal that puts $100 into every voter’s pocket each year to contribute to campaigns and candidates would be an extremely effective way to overcome corporate lobbyists and mega-donors. It would washout lobbyist cash by a factor of 8-to-1 and restore the power of our democracy into the people’s hands.
Sign this petition in support of Democracy Dollars if you believe that elections shouldn’t be bought out by the highest bidder or corporations with special interests.
This campaign is about making our government accountable to the people it is elected to serve, not the super-wealthy or the lobbyists it currently works for. This isn’t radical, it’s common-sense.
Thanks for fighting with me,