People For Member, Red state voter suppression efforts have been gaining steam, and Trump allies are getting bolder in using his Big Lie about the 2020 election to drastically change their states’ voting laws. Just last Thursday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis kept everyone other than Fox News out of what should have been the public signing of his state’s most recent initiative to suppress Floridian voters, signaling exactly what audience this bill was aiming to please: the Far Right. And that was just one outrage in the middle of more than 360 voter suppression bills that have been introduced in 47 state legislatures, including another omnibus bill in Texas that’s getting close to passage. We need your help to slow or stop these initiatives by supporting passage of the For The People Act (S. 1) in the Senate. This bill would invalidate almost all of these voter suppression tactics, and that’s why we need it to pass without delay! Join us and our coalition partners to make calls to activists in key states to urge them to support this groundbreaking bill. If you’ve never joined a virtual phonebank before, don’t sweat it! At each event, the organizers will give you all the tools and training you need to call voters in our target districts; you’ll be asking them to contact the lawmakers who will make the difference between success and failure. The For The People Act will only pass if we work together to take action and make sure activists and legislators alike know how crucial this bill is for the health of our democracy. If passed, it will: end partisan gerrymandering, protect and expand our right to vote, hold all government officials to high ethical standards, and stop Big Money from calling the shots in our politics. The For The People Act will do all of this and more, and with this recent scourge of voter suppression bills we need its protections enacted right away. Sign up NOW to join a phonebank to protect our fair and free elections! >> Join once or join every week - whatever your schedule will allow, every call made is vital to this effort. Thank you for all that you do to make sure that every single eligible person will be able to vote safely in the next election! In community, Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate