Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

💕 May 9, 2021 💐


NATO Expansion:
An Idea Whose Time Has Passed?

Tuesday, May 11
1:00 pm Eastern


The Ukrainian government has issued a new request for an Action Plan leading to NATO membership, even as the situation on the ground between Ukrainian and Russian-backed forces in eastern Ukraine has deteriorated badly, as have U.S.-Russian relations. This panel will examine the wisdom of further NATO expansion, ask what should be the correct role of NATO in defending U.S. and European security, and whether NATO ambitions and America’s military role in Europe need to be scaled back. 

The discussion will feature former U.S. Ambassador Jack Matlock, former British Ambassador Sir Rodric Quentin Braithwaite, and author and former U.S. Air Force Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski. Quincy Institute Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven will moderate.


Iran’s Presidential Election and its Future
Foreign and Domestic Policies

Monday, May 17
12:00 pm Eastern


With only weeks left until Iran’s June 18 Presidential elections, campaigning will begin in earnest the last week of May. Elections in the Islamic Republic are neither free nor fair, but they are consequential.  Today, opinion polls indicate that the Iranian public’s enthusiasm for the elections is at an all-time low. Yet, the elections will likely have a profound impact on Iran’s future engagement – or lack thereof – with the United States and the West, on the durability of the nuclear deal, as well as on the internal struggle to move Iran into a more open and democratic direction.

Will Iran’s next President be a conservative or can the centrists and reformists unite once more to retain the presidency? What implications will a conservative victory have for U.S.-Iran relations, nascent regional diplomacy with Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and Iran’s embattled civil society? Join us for us for a discussion with Human Rights Watch’s Tara Sepehri Far, Tehran-based journalist and documentary film-maker Reza Sayah, and prominent Iranian economist and political analyst Bijan Khajehpour. Trita Parsi, Quincy Institute’s Executive Vice President, will moderate the conversation.

Institute for Peace & Diplomacy's
Middle East Strategy Forum 2021

Wednesday-Thursday, May 19-20


Quincy Institute is cosponsoring the inaugural Middle East Strategy Forum, an annual Canadian conference that will bring together high-level policymakers, diplomats, foreign policy experts, business leaders, and journalists to engage in constructive discussions around current and emerging issues in the Middle East.

The diverse group of more than 40 confirmed speakers from the Middle East, Europe and North America includes QI's Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Responsible Statecraft's Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, and Non-Resident Fellow Lawrence Wilkerson.



Has America Had Enough of War?
By Katrina Manson
Financial Times, 5/7/21

A look at how views of "American exceptionalism" are changing and changing the politics and policies of this country with them, featuring QI.

The Rise of Restraint is Shaking Up Washington
By Kathy Gilsinan
World Politics Review, 5/4/21

This piece details the changing landscape of foreign policy making in D.C. with the arrival of a new and rapidly growing class of "restrainers" in town.

What's the Strategy Here? Assessing the 'Strategic Competition Act'
By Quincy Institute staff
Responsible Statecraft, Began 5/5/21

The first three pieces in a multi-part Quincy Institute series on the Strategic Competition Act (S. 1169), a bill under consideration that would effectively constitute a declaration of cold war on China by the U.S. Congress:


Weapons Biz Celebrates Declining ‘State of Humankind,’ Cold War With China
By Eli Clifton, Investigative Journalist at Large
Responsible Statecraft, 4/30/21

Defense industry CEOs recently assured investors that the world is still unstable enough to keep the money flowing.

The World Might Want China’s Rules
By Stephen Walt, Non-Resident Fellow
Foreign Policy, 5/4/21

Washington shouldn’t assume its values are more attractive to others than Beijing’s.

How Biden's Doctrine of Military Restraint Squares With History
Interview with Andrew Bacevich, President
Here and Now/ WBUR, 5/6/21



Past was Prologue, but Afghanistan Shows we Never Learned the Lesson by Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Gordon Adams, Responsible Statecraft, 5/7/21

The Hawks’ New Hero: Arthur Vandenberg by President Andrew Bacevich, The American Conservative, 5/6/21

Activist Confronts Defense Industry CEO for Company’s Role in War Crimes by Managing Editor Benjamin Armbruster, Responsible Statecraft, 5/6/21

PODCAST: The Disappointments of Afghanistan, interview with Non-Resident Fellow Rajan Menon, Here & There, 5/6/21

Anti-war Groups Release Letter Supporting Afghanistan Withdrawal by Julia Rock/ Quoted: Middle East Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, The Daily Poster, 5/6/21

Saudi Arabia and Iran are Starting to Solve Their Differences Without America by Fred Kaplan/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Slate, 5/5/21

U.S., Iran Signal Possible Breakthroughs in Nuke Talks by Laura Kelly/ Quoted: Board Chair Suzanne DiMaggio, The Hill, 5/5/21

This ‘Progressive’ Israel Lobby Group has a Racism Problem by Alex Kane/ Quoted: Investigative Journalist at Large Eli Clifton, +972 Magazine, 5/5/21

How a Hearing On Nuclear Weapons Shows All That’s Wrong With U.S. Foreign Policy Making by Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joseph Cirincione, Responsible Statecraft, 5/5/21

Sanctions are Part of our ‘Forever Wars’ by Intern Beatrix Geaghan-Breiner, Responsible Statecraft, 5/5/21

How CBS’s Norah O’Donnell Tried to Out-Hawk Antony Blinken on China by Managing Editor Benjamin Armbruster, Responsible Statecraft, 5/3/21


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