Green Party of the United States

Young woman and text that says 'I'm Green because "Watching

my mother die from cancer when was old only 16 should have never

Medicare For All years happened. would have stopped her from panicking

trying to figure out how to afford $10,000 chemotherapy pills the

toughest time month a during her life." in Cassiday Moriarity

Co-Chair, Green Party Young Eco Socialists Caucus #WeAreGreen



This was a tough year for Moms and those who care for them. When we're talking about Moms we're really talking about family -- something we all deserve and cherish.

We want a world where every Mom of every kind has what they need to care for their loved ones. We want a world where everyone can make sure their Moms feel loved and safe.

There are as many different kinds of Moms as there are people, but we all depend on Mother Earth. Please give to the Green Party today so we can all defend and honor this Mother of all Mothers we call home.

And let's keep fighting for and alongside the Mothers who care for and inspire us.


Happy Mother's Day,
The Green Party of the United States

Green Party of the United States · PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States . This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here.


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