The best gift we can give moms like me across America is the relief that our families are protected.

My name is Jamie Clayton––I'm the Volunteer Activation Associate here at Open Progress, but today, I'm writing to you with my favorite title: mom! 🌷

This Mother's Day, I'm asking you to give me & my fellow moms a gift: protection for our kids, our families, & our communities against the COVID-19 pandemic. I'm asking you to support Let's Protect, and here's why 
The past 15 months have pushed moms like me to the brink. Taking on more caretaking responsibilities, juggling at-home work with at-home school, & making sure my kids stay safe during a global pandemic––it's all been really challenging, and I know my fellow moms out there agree.

I also know my fellow moms will agree with me on this: we jump through these hurdles, we face these challenges, and we work this hard because we want our families to feel loved, appreciated, & protected.
Our COVID-19 vaccine program, Let's Protect, is a gift to moms across America––because once we ensure that more Americans get their vaccines, more moms like me will feel that their kids are more protected.
From my family to yours, thank you for all you do.
Let's Protect––together. 💪

Thank you & of course––Happy Mother's Day!
Jamie Clayton
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