John, I know firsthand how difficult Mother’s Day can be. I lost my mom, and I often get sad when I think about her. If Mother’s Day is a difficult moment for you, please know that you aren’t alone.


This Mother’s Day, I’m feeling an immense amount of gratitude to so many people. I jotted down a list the other day to share with you, John.
  1. I’m thankful to have been raised by such a resilient, brave mother. We faced domestic violence in our household, and my mom helped my siblings and me move onwards and upwards from difficult circumstances. She enrolled in community college later in life to become a registered nurse because she so deeply believed in caring for others. I miss her every day.

  2. I’m so lucky to be the mother to two strong daughters. They inspired me to run for office -- because I want to do everything I can to build a better future for them. They keep me laughing and smiling every day.

  3. I’m grateful for all caregivers, both traditional and non-traditional. Raising children really does take a village of support -- family, friends, neighbors, teachers, nurses, babysitters, and more. Especially in this pandemic, I think we have all realized how important having a support system is to us all.

  4. I’m so appreciative of elected officials across the country who fight for parents and children. From local school board members seeking more resources for afterschool programs to members of Congress passing paid family leave, we are lucky to have leaders who believe in helping each other out.
This is a short but extensive list -- I could go on all day about all the people I’m thankful for. Today, make sure you send love and appreciation to all those who support mothers every single day.





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