Dear rebels,
SAVE THE DATE! The rebellion in London will kick off on….
Put it in the calendar!
Energy is building after an incredible six weeks of powerful action around the UK. It’s definitely felt like we’ve been in the middle of a whirlwind moment as people have sat alone in roads, blocked arms factories, broken bank windows and marched with allies against the Policing bill.
Let’s channel this momentum into plans for a mass rebellion.
We will not stand by while the government continue to lie to us about their plans for tackling the climate and ecological emergency. As the UK moves further towards authoritarianism and business as usual carries on with force, we must rebel for all we hold dear.
There will be loads more information to come. Keep up to date on the
Next UK Rebellion campaigns page and on the Rebellion Broadcast.
In the meantime, it’s crucial we begin rekindling local groups, speaking to people why we need to rebel, and begin mobilising towards a summer of resistance by doing all the outreach we can.
We will rebel on 23 August because:
We want to refocus attention on the Emergency in the lead up to COP26 in Glasgow.
The Police, Crimes, Sentencing and Courts Bill is going to the Lords in September - this will be a crucial time to protest against it.
It's the school holidays, so young people, teachers and families can join in!
Parliament might be on holiday then, but let’s make so much noise that they come back early!
See you on the streets!