As of 1pm, I’m falling short of tomorrow’s End of Week deadline. I’m 2,500 gifts short, so I’m personally MATCHING all gifts for these final 24 hours to close the gap, OUTRAISE Republicans, and STOP them from stealing our Majority. Will you rush $11? >>
I’m 24 hours away from my critical End of Week deadline.
But if I don’t close the 2,500-gift gap, Trump and Cruz’s plans to retake the House will succeed -- and Democrats’ House Majority will be in peril.
So I’m PERSONALLY matching all gifts to this email -- but just for these final 24 hours!
I need you to read this very closely:
The ONLY thing stopping our Majority from falling into Republicans’ hands is closing this gap.
If 2,500 Democrats step up in time, we’ll OUTRAISE Republicans, PROTECT our Majorities, and hand McConnell a STUNNING rebuke.
Will you rush $11 in these final 24 hours? I will PERSONALLY MATCH it.
Thank you,
Ruben Gallego