John, we're winning where Labour can't.



Greens are taking hold all over England and Wales. Counting isn't over but we can clearly see our movement take shape. With Greens everywhere the time is up for the politics of empty promises.


Since yesterday we have:


✅Secured our highest ever nationwide vote share in the Senedd elections

✅Gained representation in 14 councils, bringing the total tally of councils with Green representation to 139

✅Won our first seat in Cornwall since 2017 and Manchester City Council since 2004

✅Unseated the Conservative council leader in the Isle of Wight


Now is the time for a Green Recovery and policies that bring on real change for communities everywhere. Now is the time for Green politics.. Are you part of the 100s joining our movement this weekend? The election results are telling us that when Greens stand up to injustice together, we are unstoppable.

Like Jonathan Bartley said: 'we are winning seats in areas that have traditionally been thought of as Labour and Conservative. Green politics is on the rise and it is only the Green Party that is offering a clear vision of a better future, with thousands of Green jobs, warmer homes, safer streets, thriving local economies and stronger communities'.


Thank you for your continued support.


-- Green Team


P.S. We are winning where Labour can't. People are sending a message to the main parties: no more empty promises. We can make our future Green and fair together. Can't join us as a member? We would love to you have you as a Friend.