They say a mother’s love transcends all. Since giving birth to my healthy, sweet baby girl, I’ve had the gift of experiencing that love first hand.
From her very first breath, Lena was innocent and precious, just like babies of all species. As her mom, I knew I would do anything to protect her.
Lena and I have a deep bond and, as I remind her constantly, we are strong girls! It breaks my heart to think about mothers on factory farms, who will never have the opportunity to nurture their babies or express their motherly love.
Growing up in rural Pennsylvania and witnessing factory farming first-hand, I’ve had consistent reminders that for animals raised for food, motherhood is far from the joyful experience it should be. I had long known that their babies were routinely taken away. But now I was seeing that trauma through new eyes—the eyes of a mother.
When I was nursing my baby, I would look down at little Lena, and I couldn't help but think of the cows on nearby farms. The mothers whose bodies produced milk for their babies, just as I was doing for mine. The difference though was that my body was nourishing Lena, and their calves were being taken away so that humans could drink their milk instead.
Working for The Humane League on behalf of animals every day, I spend a lot of time thinking about the stark realities of life on a factory farm. When Mother’s Day rolls around though, the suffering feels that much more personal. We can do better and we have a responsibility to do better, for the animals, and for the mothers.
Together, we’re making progress for animals, but none of this work is possible without the support of our donors. This Mother’s Day, please consider making a gift in honor of a mom in your life. Every dollar moves us closer to a world in which moms of all species can raise their babies as nature intended.
Lena will turn three next month. I hope that by the time she is grown up and considering whether she wants to become a mom herself, we will live in a world where animals of all species—mothers of all species—are truly respected and appreciated for who they are, rather than what their bodies can provide for others.
For all the animal moms,

Morgan Barber
Associate Counsel |
P.S. Making a donation is a great way to be the change in the world. And if you are making a gift in honor of a mom in your life, you can send a beautiful e-card to let her know how much better the world is because she’s in it. ❤️