Dear John,
My seven-year-old son Ronald and I have strengthened our special bond even more over the last 14 months. Spending this time together has given me an even greater appreciation of things I had previously taken for granted, like taking my son to visit my mother. My son would look forward to sitting with his grandmother at her dining room table enjoying a bowl of their favorite strawberry ice cream. When the pandemic began, I never imagined how much time would pass before my son would be able to sit at my mother’s dining room table again.
What a joyous feeling it was to see the smile on my son’s face after finally getting a chance to visit his grandmother. We brought takeout to her house for the first time since she was fully vaccinated. Seeing their excitement as they shared a long-overdue meal made me realize just how much of a mental toll the isolation had taken on both Ronald and my mom.
The last year has taught us all a great deal. I continue to learn a lot about myself through Ronald, and I’ve been so inspired to see the way that he has adapted and continued to thrive. Even as I think about him starting second grade at a new school where he has yet to meet his classmates or even his teacher in person, I can’t help but admire Ronald’s tenacity—through the isolation, the pains of virtual learning, and everything else this year has brought. He is truly a special person. This Mother’s Day, I’m celebrating how resilient he is. I’m also celebrating life. The last year has given new meaning to so much, and for me, it has reaffirmed the value of life itself. I think about how many people buried a loved one over the last year, and I’m just grateful that I was able to continue to talk to my mom on the phone. It’s such a blessing to still have my mom to celebrate Mother’s Day with this year, and I’m cherishing that fact.
And throughout all of this, I recognize how blessed I am. I think of parents who weren’t able to slow down and share a homemade lunch with their children every day of the pandemic. I think of healthcare professionals who feared hugging their own children when they came home and parents who have struggled all year to be able to provide and care for their loved ones. This Mother’s Day, I’m celebrating my own mom and my son, and I’m honoring those families who won’t get to do the same.
I hope you’ll consider making a gift to the Children’s Defense Fund in honor or memory of one of your loved ones this Mother’s Day. When you do, you can send a beautiful eCard that tells your loved one how the gift in their honor will go toward our relentless work on behalf of mothers, children, and families across the country. We’re especially fighting for those who have been hit hardest by the converging crises of this past year, and your donation will help ensure we can support those with the greatest need.
Thank you for your generosity, this Mother’s Day and always. With gratitude,
Crystal Rucker Regional Development Director Children's Defense Fund© All rights reserved 840 First St NE, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20002 |