** TODAY **
The Late Congressman John Lewis shed his blood crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge to Fight for rights of Black voters and voters of color to participate in America’s electoral process and the enactment of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Today, voting rights are under attack nationally by Republican state legislators introducing and passing laws to put up barriers to our participation in elections. Meanwhile, billionaires and powerful interests are spending unlimited amounts of money to buy our elections.
Americans are coming together to fight back.
Join PCCC members and activists across the country -- TODAY -- Saturday, May 8 to demand the passage of the For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and D.C. Statehood and to address one of the greatest obstacles to the passage of civil and voting rights -- and one of the last vestiges of slavery -- the filibuster!
And, chip in here to our ongoing work fighting to stop Republican voter suppression in its tracks.
Hosted in more than 100 cities, these "votercades" will bring awareness to S1 and HR4, two bills that aim to expand and protect voting rights and civil rights.
This day of action is crucial to upholding our rights as citizens and making sure our government officials hear our voice! We hope you can join to become part of history and continue to fight to protect democracy, civil rights, and voter protections for all.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

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