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Weekend Edition, May 8-9, 2021

Halt Covid Vaccines, Prominent Scientist Tells CDC

Jennifer Margulis. Thanks, Bill Sardi

The Big Lie Revealed

Alexandra Bruce

What Can the Unvaccinated Do?

Bill Sardi

The State of Modern Economics

Peter Klein talks to Jeff Deist

Don’t Ever Let Your Child Wear A Face Mask For Any Reason

Allan Stevo

The Calm Before the Storm: Use it To Gain Strength To Fight the Coming Tyranny

Gary D. Barnett

Biden’s Offshore Wind Energy Mirage

Craig Rucker

We Can’t Let Biden Inject 150 million Innocent Americans

Dr. Francis Boyle

Stupid AF

George Hollenback

The Truth Is Surely Baseless

James Howard Kunstler

America: The Mini-Series

The Z-Man

No Jab for Me – And Here Are 35 Reasons Why

Gary G. Kohls, MD

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