From New Dems Press <[email protected]>
Subject New Democrat Coalition Weekly Wrap 05/07/2021
Date May 7, 2021 10:08 PM
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This week, New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Members furthered the Coalition’s priorities through their work on committees and meetings in their districts.

In case you missed it: Last week, the NDC joined the White House in highlighting our accomplishments in the first 100 days of the Biden-Harris administration. The NDC has already been integral to the passage of several notable pieces of legislation. Following the President’s joint address, NDC Chair Suzan DelBene issued a statement reiterating the NDC’s readiness to work with the administration to build on the ACA and advance other shared priorities.

NDC Chair Suzan DelBene wrote an op-ed in The American Independent calling for the permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC), building on the one-year expansion and enhancement included in the American Rescue Plan. Studies suggest that a permanent expansion would cut childhood poverty in half ([link removed]) . It is crucial that parents continue to have access to this resource to end generational cycles of poverty, which is why the NDC endorsed Chair DelBene’s bill, the American Family Act, to permanently enhance and expand the CTC as part of the Coalition’s priorities for COVID-19 relief and economic recovery earlier this year.

More on what New Dems have been up to below.

NDC Chair DelBene: It’s Time to Take Poverty Seriously and Make the Child Tax Credit Permanent via The American Independent ([link removed])
NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) penned an op-ed in The American Independent calling for the permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit. A one-year expansion was included in the American Rescue Plan, which was signed into law in March: “A one-year version of our proposal was included in the American Rescue Plan. That’s because the New Democrat Coalition ([link removed]) , a group of 94 forward-thinking Democrats that I lead in the House, endorsed the American Family Act and pushed for its inclusion as a way to rebuild the middle class. The federal government is expected to start issuing these monthly checks to families in July, to help pay for groceries, rent, and other regular bills.” Last week, Chair DelBene welcomed the President’s American Families Plan, and pledged to continuing pushing for a permanent extension of the expanded and enhanced CTC. Read the full statement
([link removed]) .

ICYMI: NDC Joins White House in Highlighting Accomplishments in the First 100 Days ([link removed])
The NDC joined President Biden and the White House in marking notable accomplishments in the first 100 days of the new administration. In the 117^th, New Democrats have endorsed and helped pass several substantive pieces of legislation that advance the NDC’s priorities outlined in our First 100 Day Agenda ([link removed]) .
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Castro Speaks Out Against Restrictive Voter Laws ([link removed])
Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX-20) addressed the restrictive voter laws passed in Georgia and urged members of the Texas business community to speak out against similar legislation proposed in the state: “We don’t want to happen in Texas what happened in Georgia.”

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Rep. Joaquin Castro Speaks Out on Restrictive Voter Laws

Bill Action

President Biden Signs Pappas’s Bipartisan Fentanyl Scheduling Bill into Law ([link removed])
President Joe Biden signed Rep. Chris Pappas’s (NH-01) Extending Temporary Emergency Scheduling of Fentanyl Analogues Act into law. The bill extends the Drug Enforcement Agency’s temporary order to keep fentanyl-related substances in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. The legislation passed unanimously in both the House and Senate.
NDC Member Legislation

Wild, Lee Introduce Legislation to Invest in Direct Care Workers ([link removed])
Reps. Susan Wild (PA-07) and Susie Lee (NV-03) introduced the Direct Creation, Advancement, and Retention of Employment (CARE) Opportunity Act to invest in training and increasing opportunities for America’s direct care workers. The Direct CARE Opportunity Act strengthens the training, support, and career opportunities that direct care workers need to care for millions of older Americans and people with disabilities.

Connolly Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Allow Veterans’ Caregivers to Qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program ([link removed])
Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11) introduced the bipartisan Military and Veteran Caregiver Student Loan Relief Act to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to make VA-designated primary family caregivers eligible for the public service loan forgiveness program.

Carbajal Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Establish Safe Parking Programs for Homeless ([link removed])
Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) introduced the bipartisan Naomi Schwartz Safe Parking Program Act to establish a grant program for local governments to utilize in order to establish a safe parking program, or expand an existing one, for individuals experiencing homelessness. Safe parking programs provide homeless persons living in their vehicles with a safe place to park their vehicles overnight and offer resources to assist with the transition to more stable housing.

Blunt Rochester Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Remove Barriers to Employment for Americans ([link removed])
Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-AL) introduced the Clean Slate Act to give more than 70 million Americans with low-level and nonviolent criminal records a second chance to fully participate in society. The legislation would remove major barriers for many Americans in finding employment, securing housing, and accessing education by automatically sealing the federal records of individuals convicted of low-level, nonviolent drug offenses after they successfully complete their sentence.

McBath Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Support Victims of Domestic Abuse ([link removed])
Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-06) introduced the bipartisan Savings Access for Escaping and Rebuilding (SAFER) Act to allow penalty-free withdrawals from retirement plans for domestic abuse victims. The bill gives survivors of domestic abuse the ability to access funds to be used to escape their abuser, promote the safety of themselves and their families, and begin the process of rebuilding their lives.

Pappas Introduces Expanded Active Transportation Systems Bill ([link removed])
Rep. Chris Pappas (NH-01) introduced the Connecting America’s Active Transportation System Act. Their legislation provides annual funding for a federal grant program to help build connected active-transportation routes including trails, sidewalks, and bikeways that support the health and economic growth of our communities.
NDC Member Action

Bourdeaux Unveils “FutureFit the Suburbs” Infrastructure Plan ([link removed])
NDC Infrastructure Task Force Co-Chair Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07) unveiled her FutureFit the Suburbs agenda, which focuses on the infrastructure needs of inner and outer suburbs. The agenda contains four planks: the National & Regional Greenways Act, the Building Up the Suburbs (BUS) Act, an initiative on Abandoned Mall Upcycling, and an initiative on a National Infrastructure Bank.

Schrier, Larsen Tour Orion Industries, Meet with Local Aerospace Manufacturers ([link removed])
Reps. Kim Schrier (WA-08) and Rick Larsen (WA-02) toured Orion Industries, an aerospace manufacturer, and hosted a roundtable discussion. They heard about the challenges local companies are facing during the pandemic and discussed how the American Rescue Plan is helping to save jobs and keep the aerospace supply chain moving.

Kilmer Joins PPI’s Radically Pragmatic Podcast to Discuss Tech Innovation in America ([link removed])
On May the Fourth, NDC Chair Emeritus Derek Kilmer (WA-06), one of Capitol Hill’s biggest Star Wars fans, joined the Progressive Policy Institute’s (PPI) Radically Pragmatic Podcast for a Star Wars-themed discussion on tech innovation in America. Listen to the full podcast here ([link removed]) .

Carbajal, Local District Attorneys Urge Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Strengthen Funding for Victims of Crime Act ([link removed])
Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) was joined by local District Attorneys in urging the Senate to take up bicameral and bipartisan legislation to strengthen the Victims of Crime Act by fixing how the Crime Victims Fund (CVF) is funded. The CVF was established to provide funding for victim compensation – including medical bills, lost wages, and funeral costs – and critical victim support programs.

Trahan Calls for Tenet Healthcare and St. Vincent Hospital to Continue Negotiations with MNA ([link removed])
Rep. Lori Trahan (MA-03) sent a letter to Tenet Healthcare Board of Directors expressing concerns regarding the contract negotiations between St. Vincent Hospital, their parent company Tenet, and the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA). Rep. Trahan urged Tenet's Board of Directors to advocate for St. Vincent's and Tenet to continue meaningful negotiations and remain at the bargaining table until the Hospital and the MNA reach a deal.

Kilmer: How to Help Employees and Those Struggling to Get into the Workforce via The Seattle Times ([link removed])
NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) penned an op-ed in The Seattle Times outlining his bicameral Long-Term Unemployment Elimination Act to provide targeted funding to local communities to help generate work opportunities and get these long-term unemployed Americans back into the workforce: “Experts on workforce development and on addressing poverty have praised this approach as a proven way to combat the jobs crisis and create economic opportunity — which is why the bill is backed by the Service Employees International Union, the National Urban League, the United States Workforce Association, the National Skills Coalition and a host ([link removed]) of others… Ultimately, the Long-Term Unemployment Elimination Act is about creating jobs and opportunity for people at a time when that’s needed more than ever.”

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