We're being elected everywhere....an update



Together, we have made sure that there are elected Greens everywhere. We've secured 71 seats including 56 new seats so far, but counting continues in the majority of seats. It's clear that we are heading towards a record-breaking election. We're gaining seats from the Conservatives, Labour and the LibDems.


People across the country have made clear their hope for a #GreenFuture after the Covid pandemic. Here’s just some of the results so far:


  • Gained first seats in Stockport, Northumberland, Durham, Hastings, East and West Sussex, North Northamptonshire, Derbyshire and Cumbria
  • Total of 13 Green Councillors now on Sheffield City Council
  • 5 Greens on Wirral, Knowsley and Burnley Borough Councils
  • Taken seats from LibDems, Labour and Conservatives in Suffolk where we now have 9 County Councillors


People are sending a message to the main parties: no more empty promises. Greens have been busy supporting people in their communities and building plans for lasting change.  And over the last few days hundreds of people have joined our party. They recognise that together we can build on the election results we are seeing, but can you help us make our plans a reality and join us too?

More as we have it,

The Green Team


PS Not ready to join just yet. Why not make a small donation instead. Just a £10 donation will help us work with our new councillors, building on our gains today and making us ready for a real #GreenFuture.